Regulations for Membership

(Original is in Japanese)
Enforcement from 26th July, 2012

Article 1

This document stipulates necessary rules for the admission fee and member fee based on article 5 and 7 of Fine bubble industries association (hereafter referred to FBIA) bylaw,.

(Types of membership)
Article 2

  1. 1. FBIA members are consist of full members, and supporting members, and only the full members are legally stated as shareholders of FBIA.
  2. 2. Full members shall be
    1. (1) Company bodies which are dealing with the manufacturing or sales of fine bubble generators.
    2. (2) Company bodies which are dealing with the manufacturing or sales of measurement equipment.
    3. (3) Company bodies which are dealing with the manufacturing or sales of the fine bubble technology application products.
    4. (4) Company bodies which are dealing with the manufacturing or sales of fine bubble technology related machineries.
    5. (5) Company bodies which are dealing with the fine bubble applications as process.
    6. (6) Company bodies which are dealing with the fine bubble related engineering.
    7. (7) Company bodies which are dealing with the distribution of fine bubble related products.
    8. (8) Company bodies which have profound knowledge and experience on fine bubble technologies.
  3. 3. Individual members shall be the experienced academic experts from academic or governmental communities.
  4. 4. Supporting member are company bodies which are not corresponded to the above 2,3 and 4, and which are willing to support the objectives of FBIA and its activities.

(Procedure for admission)
Article 3

  1. 1. Companies bodies which are applying for full members or supporting members are requested to fill in and submit the designated application form.
  2. 2. The board meetings shall be held to approve the admission, and the result will be informed to the applicants.

(Admission and membership fee)
Article 4

Members shall pay the admittance fee and membership fee as specified in the chart in the appendix.

(Due date for the membership fee)
Article 5

Members shall pay the full membership fee by 31st March every year. Members who are joining in the middle of the year shall pay the membership fee from the month that they joined to the end of March. They shall pay the amount at the time they become the member.

(Changing the status of membership)
Article 6

When supporting members are changing their types of membership to full members, they shall pay the amount of difference of the admission fee.

(Special membership fee)
Article 7

FBIA is able to collect the special membership fee when it is necessary to manage the organization, and when they are approved at the general meeting.

(Withdrawal and the procedure)
Article 8

  1. 1. Members are able to withdraw the membership by submitting the notice of withdrawal, which form is specified by the board meeting. Member company’s name will be deleted from the list in this case.
  2. 2. Members may lose the membership due to the act of article 9 or 10 of the FBIA bylaw. Member company’s name will be deleted from the list.
  3. 3. In case of losing membership because of the provisions of preceding paragraph, admission fee and membership will not be refund. Such members are not allowed to declare that they were ex-member of FBIA.

Article 9

  1. 1. If the company bodies who have withdrawn from the membership wanted to rejoin the FBIA, they are requested to submit the documents to explain the reasons and pay the admission fee specified by the article 2 again.
  2. 2. For the above applications, the board meeting will be held to approve the re-enrollment. However, if the company has the unpaid admission fee or the membership fee from the previous membership, they are not allowed to reenroll the membership before they pay the amount. Companies who have been expelled will not be allowed to reenroll the membership for over one year.

(Personal information)
Article 10

Information registered including personal information of members will not be disclosed to third parties without having consent from the person.

Additional rule

This rule will be in enforcement from 26th July, 2012.

Membership fee (article 3)

Type of membershipAdmission FeeAnnual Fee
Full membership¥800,000¥800,000
Individual membership (Academic expert only)¥10,000¥10,000
Supporting membership¥300,000¥300,000